
Cancellation by Client

  • Cancel within the first 7 days for a full refund, provided no sessions have been used
  • If sessions have been used within the first 7 days, the refund will be prorated based on the number of used sessions
  • No refunds after the first 7 days unless for medical reasons or extreme dissatisfaction


  • Reschedule sessions up to the expiry date provided in the subscription email (40 or 120 days depending on the service duration)
  • Unused sessions after the expiry date will be forfeited and are non-refundable

Medical Reasons

  • Request to keep unused sessions in abeyance due to medical reasons by providing a certificate from a medical practitioner
  • Resume sessions once medically cleared to participate

Trainer Change or Refunds

  • Request a change of trainer or a refund due to extreme dissatisfaction
  • Requests will be processed within 7 working days. Refunds will be prorated based on the number of sessions remaining

Cancellation by Service Provider reserves the right to cancel subscriptions at any time. Full refund for remaining sessions in such cases.